Mini-Pink on the Way

Mini Pink Fabrics - Post Image - Mina's Letters

Blessings come in many shapes, and sizes and one of mine is a goddaughter, Joanna.  When she was born a couple years ago on my birthday, I made her a quilt for her bed.  Not exactly my colors, but the colors of her room and her mum’s wishes.  It was pretty, and all were pleased.

As an artist you know that some gifts are enjoyed and some are loved, and you never know which will be which.  We hope for the later and graciously accept the former.  So imagine my delight when my goddaughter not only loved the quilt as she got older, but she named it.  Now, I know some artists name their work, and that is great.  I have fabulous art in my home and life with names.  I am not one of those artists.  For me, the name must come from the use of the item.

Joanna named this quilt Pink.  Oh dear, I am NOT a pink girl.  Joanna is.  I LOVE my dear sweet Joanna, so Pink it is.  Occasionally, I hear stories about Pink going places with them or receive photos of our cherub wrapped up in Pink.  It has become a small shared blessing…. and I am grateful.

Well, traveling with Pink is kind of hard some days, so I have been asked by Joanna’s mum if I could make a smaller Pink that can be taken places.  Wow!  What an honor.

I only have two of the original fabrics so I am having to improvise.  Naturally, the improvisation led to a trip to the fabric store for one more piece to round out things.  I found the most adorable fabric–pinkish– with birds on it.  Joanna and I share birds too, and so I knew it was a sign.  Today, I start the actual quilt design.  I won’t use a pattern for Mini-Pink but rather create something whimsical.  Off to ponder, dream, and envision Mini-Pink for my birthday, goddaughter blessing.  Thank you, Joanna for naming Pink and letting me revisit her with your personality in mind.